Encourage spiritually developed wholesome life style by understanding the true human values.
Is to provide a digital platform which shares, spiritual and cultural programs that enhance human lives with wisdom, compassion and true values through a unique television experience.
The Preamble
We, the members of the Saddhammavahini goes as Mindfulness Meditation Center – MMC a Cooperation at Los Angeles, which is under Mindfulness Meditation Center of Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara a non-profitable organization but registered as a separate Cooperation, hereby associate ourselves to promote and encourage variety of television programs to enhance the values of a human life by developing inner peace & happiness via digital platform focused on Youtube Live, Peo TV Sri Lankan Cable Channel, USA Cable Channel and Social Media platforms, which our programs are designed to provide a splendid entertainment by encouraging ethical, spiritual and healthy wholesome life style based on greatest philosophies around the world, and also to spread Sri Lankan heritage and cultural values to the world through our very own Highly Professional Production House, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Saddhammavahini which hereafter referred to as MMC.